Virtual Bricks – Benefits of Virtual SAN

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For hyper-converged storage for virtualized environments Virtual SAN (VSAN) is fundamentally easy  and incredibly simple to deploy and provision. Customer can get leverage to choose compute resources and shared and distributed storage from X86 platform using  Hyper-converged Infrastructure (HCI).  In addition Virtual SAN allows you to scale the virtual storage and compute resources on demand.

In this blog post, we drive into the simplicity, agility, manageability and cost savings using Virtual SAN


As described above, VSAN is very simple to provision and manage, the beauty of VSAN is that it gets seamlessly integrated in the X86 hypervisor and installation, configuration and management are done with a few mouse clicks from the vSphere web client.

Adding external hybrid storage arrays or drives to your hybrid storage is very tricky and very time consuming process. Using VSAN, it is very easy to expand its data center capacity and compute performance without any downtime irrespective to increase in costs and complexity in hybrid storage. As a result, VSAN gives you increased performance, improved productivity, lower CapEx and OpEx, and increased scalability.


Any storage solution must be flexible and agile to meet changes on demand. VSAN solution is very elastic, very scalable, and lets you grow with your customers and deliver the IOPS requirements as and when your customers require it most. VSAN can be scalable to 64 nodes per cluster with all full flash (JBOF) with capacity to achieve 90K IOPS per host in cluster, this allow companies and business to scale up quickly and efficiently without any barriers.


Virtual SAN (VSAN) is relatively simple and easy to manage, integrate and provision, VSAN is most trusted brand in hyper-conversed storage market, VSAN can help business applications, VDI (virtual desktop Infrastructure), Cloud storage up and running all the time. An ultimate scalable infrastructure can be designed using VSAN with lower cost then the traditional SAN boxes. Hello2Hsoting as cloud service or data center providers ensure that storage requirements can be easily manged and provisioned without sacrificing the performance. VSAN helps you to improve your inventory management to IT and showcase your infrastructure assets quicker and helps you to bill your customers more efficiently and  transparently.

Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

The ultimate beauty of VSAN hyper-converged storage is its deployment and flexibility and compatibility with every industry standard x86 servers, which is eliminating big and huge up front investments and gives pace to grow your business. VSAN helping business to lower down the TCO cost while providing your business an agile, performance and scalable storage hyper conversed storage solutions. VSAN can be big game changer to you by removing the need of extra operational resource to run an business application.

Take a leap from VSAN.

Our customers can experience on the simplicity, agility, manageability and cost savings with Virtual SAN. Coupled with these benefits, VSAN’s adoption falls across many different industries. Now, it’s your turn to see what VSAN can do for your business need. Try today our Cloud server with 50% lesser cost and experience the pure VSAN storage.

  • Is virtual SAN a possible solution for small business file directory system?

    Thanks in advance,