Categories: VPS Hosting

4 Signs That You Need to Upgrade your Hosting Plan

4 Signs That You Need to Upgrade your Hosting Plan

The digital landscape is rapidly growing in India. This is signified by the explosion of varied online platforms and an exponential increase in their traffic. Due to these growing dynamics, websites require hosting plans which allow them to conduct their operations with speed, flexibility, and tolerable security.

For most start-ups, shared hosting plans are ideal as they are low-cost and beginner-friendly. However, shared hosting platforms typically offer limited incomes as the server is shared among multiple websites. The lack of dedicated resources causes your site to slow down during heavy traffic, and thereby compromise the possibility of your business. While killing time is not yet a legal crime, people don’t prefer to do it on sluggish websites

Furthermore, shared hosting services don’t allow you to customize the server situation to suit the supplies of your website/application nor do they confirm to the security needs of increasing businesses. In order to deal with these issues, businesses prefer to shift to Virtual Private Server (VPS) with “Cloud” features hosting platforms.

VPS or Dedicated Server hosting provides you with more resources than shared hosting platforms. Due to the availability of dedicated resources, these confirm that your website displays optimal performance at all times. Moreover, VPS plans provide for substantial scalability.

As your web hosting plan should complement the needs of your growing business, here’s a list of seven sings which suggest that you need to promote your hosting plan:

  1. Sluggish speed during peak hours:Businesses often plan promotional business activities during weekends, festive season and other such occasions. In fact, these are the days we all create the ‘Wish List’ for A slow site during these periods can severely risk all your plans. Even on normal days, people expect any site they visit to load in a few seconds. For instance, if you are into an e-commerce business, get one thing straight-People choose e-commerce site over physical stores to save time. As such, a slow website is a sure killer for your e-commerce business.Shared hosting servers often cause speed hassles as they distribute RAM and CPU resources crosswise all website that is hosted on them. VPS or Dedicated servers give you dedicated RAM and processor power and provide you with greater bandwidth. Moreover, with VPS, you are able to customize these resources in accordance with the needs of your website. Hence, VPS or dedicated server is the solution for all speed related issues of your website.
  2. . An upswing in traffic:Is not every website owner’s dream? An increase in traffic is definitely good news, but it is important to be prepared for that spike. Shared hosting is suitable for websites expecting low traffic which is anywhere below 10000 visits per day. However, if you in the disputed with a graph going upwards, it is wise to promote your plan to VPS hosting or dedicated hosting.
  3. Need for Customization:Shared hosting providers have a standard hosting environment organized on their servers. All websites need to adjust to this environment and you cannot make any customization, irrespective of how important it is for your websites  operation. Such customizations are out of the scope of any shared hosting product due to the nature of the product, where multiple customers’ sites are hosted on the same server.If you ever into a similar situation, you know it is time for you to jump to a more controlled environment. The VPS and Dedicated Servers give you root/administrator level access. With this, one can tweak the server operating system, application stacks to suit the supplies of the website or application.
  4. Insufficient Security Features:Restrictions on the customization in the shared hosting environment bring us to our next critical point- security.Just as all the resources (CPU, RAM, and Bandwidth) of the server are shared among the customers on shared hosting, all the Access limits defined on networks, IPs, etc. apply globally to all websites. While these settings are done to benefit and in the notice of all the users that co-exist, at times, they could be incompatible with your business’ online operations. An example of this would be where blacklisting of remote email service alleviates the spam menace for one or multiple users but causes a hindrance for others. Moreover, certain creativities need to abide by strict company policies and fortified to work in a remote setting.The VPS and Dedicated Servers offer exactly this security separation. You are free to configure your own Backup, Firewall, and Anti-virus, Malware policies with Nursing and Alert systems. Hosting panels like cPanel and Plesk, give you an easy border to manage the web, Email, DNS and even Security aspect of your VPS/Dedicated Server.The meaning of a robust hosting plan to support your website and your business is expected. Your website is the center of all your marketing creativities. To make sure it runs smoothly, your hosting plan needs to carefully chosen and promoted. If you  are meeting any of these signs obstructing your digital company, it is high time to promote your hosting plan.we expect these articles helped you decide Upgrading your Hosting plan .

    If you have more questions you can chat with our sales team or call on 1800-120-2530

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