Avoid These Mistakes when Setting up Website


Avoid These Mistakes when Setting up Website

Building a site is a big task for business. It can be very easy to make and at the same time it can become a huge disaster. The main focus should be to make site in such a way that it reflects the brand. All the marketing efforts lead to website, hence setting up site properly and correctly is important thing. Since creating an online presence can be cumbersome task, you may want extra help. People make some common mistakes while setting up site. Here are common mistakes to avoid to make sure that you and your designer are on right track:

1. No Business and Marketing Plan
One of the common perceptions among people is that once they have purchased a domain they will get huge traffic to site. But, it is a myth. It is suggested to invest good time in organizing business and marketing plans. Business plan doesn’t mean lengthy documentation always, but one can focus on:

  • How to solve customer’s problem?
  • Services or products to sell
  • Where is your targeted audience and how will you attract them?
  • What will site consist of?
  • 2. Selecting Wrong Hosting Provider
    Selecting wrong hosting provider or free web hosting service is worst mistake that one can do. There are number of free hosting service providers but these types of providers don’t provide any good features to website. Hence, it is always better to choose best service provider.

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    3. Underestimating the Work Involved
    People think that setting up a website is an easy way to make money, but it requires lot of work and labour to start getting results. Website designing needs lot of work and patience, and one have to make sure to give good amount of time to improve site according to current trends. The chances of success are going to be greater if you are key member of team and making site checklist is a great resource.

    4. Too Focused on Blogs
    We have all heard of WordPress, which is one of the most popular blogging services. In simple words, blogging can be used as tool when creating content to attract visitors, but it doesn’t always translate into effective site. It is advised to be not too focused on just blog.

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    5. No Balance Between Message and Design of Website
    Website design should be good and appealing to visitors. Visitor should be aware of message he is going to read by looking at design of site only. No one wants site’s design to distract visitors from main purpose of why you created site- your marketing message. So, there must be balance between design and message of site.

    On the ending note, there can be more issues when setting up sites but these 5 mistakes should be taken into consideration before making online presence.